AMP Grows Up: Are You Tapping into the Benefits of Accelerated Mobile Pages?


Refactored has created a new brief to provide a quick overview of how AMPs work to improve search engine optimization (SEO) and considerations for adding them to your site.

Get the Brief: AMP up Your SEO Results.

The Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project launched in October 2015. In two short years, the Project reports more than 31 million domains have added AMPs to create a faster, better experience for mobile users.

Many of those organizations are seeing tangible benefits in ad revenue (ads spin up faster on AMPs) and the format has matured, now supporting better interactivity for e-commerce. Soon, the Project reveals, we’ll see AMP stories and the ability to use AMPs in email.

If you haven’t embraced accelerated mobile pages yet, here are two compelling reasons to consider them:

  • Your SEO will benefit from having them.

  • Your SEO may actually suffer without them.

For several years, page speed has been a factor in search engine ranking. However, with the expected Speed Update coming in July 2018, slow pages may be more actively pushed down in ranking in favor of those that provide a faster experience for users.

Although adding AMPs to your site isn’t the only way to improve your site experience, it’s helpful to have an idea of how they can benefit you as a part of your overall search engine optimization and user experience strategy.

Download our brief
(it takes just a few minutes to read). And if you have questions about how to add AMPs or improve your site’s overall performance, contact us for a free SEO technical audit.