How ABM Improves Marketing ROI in One Step


Your return on marketing investment (ROMI) can be notoriously difficult to pin down. Sure, you can track increases in page visits and time-on-site metrics. But tying those numbers to what really matters—increased sales—can be tricky.

The connection becomes a bit clearer with account-based marketing (ABM). By targeting a specific account, you can identify when that account visits your site and how they interact with personalized content and assets. And the ability to track ABM’s ROI is important, because most ABM solutions are quite pricey. Justifying their cost is a requirement.

But if your ABM strategy focuses solely on serving previously identified, high-value accounts, you might be missing out on a key return of long-term ROI: the ability to prospect for new customers.

Something’s Missing from Most ABM Tools

Most companies—and tools—focus ABM efforts on capturing the attention of known high-value accounts:

  • You input a list of these “dream” accounts.

  • You create customized content based on your knowledge of the accounts’ priorities.

  • You might even use custom digital ads to lay a trail to that content.

  • When one of these accounts hits your site, ABM technology identifies them based on their known IP addresses, then serves up the content you’ve created for the account.

But wait; something’s missing. 
What about the big-fish accounts that visit your site before you realize they’re interested?

Keep Growing Your Customer Base

Most ABM toolsets focus only on engaging the accounts you’ve told them to target. No matter how fantastic a prospect might be, if it isn’t on that list, it isn’t getting special treatment. You probably won’t even know that those visitors stopped by.

That means you’re paying a heckuva lot for a tool that doesn’t help you continually grow your client base.

Fortunately, one small adjustment can help you identify potential new customers. And you can automatically deliver programmatic personalized content to them the moment they hit your site—even before you know they’re there.

The key is a capability that’s already part of ABM: IP address-based identification.

Get the Bigger Picture

Instead of watching only for your current target accounts, CompassABM—an ABM tool developed by the experts at Refactored—aims to resolve all IP addresses that hit your site. This technology delivers a comprehensive report of nearly every company that visits, so you can optimize the opportunities that ABM offers.

—all while staying in compliance with GDPR regulations.

Drive a higher return on marketing investment with comprehensive ABM

See how CompassABM drives traffic to your site and interacts with other toolsets to help you engage prospects and customers at every level. Download this free case study to see how the strategy helped Refactored client partner InfinityQS get an ABM pilot up and running in a matter of a few months.