According to SiriusDecisions, B2B organizations with tightly aligned sales and marketing operations achieved 24% faster revenue growth and 27% faster profit growth.
Statistics like this from the big marketing gurus keep popping up, highlighting just how critical marketing’s contribution to sales enablement really is.
The problem is identifying what “tight alignment” actually looks like.
Do sales and marketing agree completely on our go-to-market strategy?
Do we agree on what the funnel needs?
Do we even talk regularly?
As leaders, we need to ensure we are making strides toward recognizing growth through alignment, but you can’t measure improvement without a baseline.
The 2018 Survey is closed. View the results here.
Sales Enablement Benchmark 2018
The more we at Refactored thought about the critical need for effective sales enablement strategies, the more we realized that companies need benchmarks to understand how well marketing is enabling their sales teams—and to help identify areas of opportunity for growth.
To help companies establish that essential understanding, Refactored has teamed up with BMA Colorado to conduct our first Sales Enablement Benchmark survey.
The survey is live now; it’s short, but packed with a rich set of questions that will get you thinking about how you’re marketing efforts are currently enabling sales success. (Yes, every marketing person DOES have sales enablement responsibilities.) More important, once the results are compiled, this baseline information will allow you to see how you measure up to other organizations across industries.
Core Sales Enablement Measures: This Is Why You Want to Participate
These days, sales enablement can be a bit of a nebulous term, encompassing everything from content to onboarding. But we’re marketing geeks, so we wanted to explore how companies are doing in three specific areas:
Sales & Marketing Alignment (how well the teams work together)
Sales Empowerment (how well marketing provides what sales needs to be effective)
Demand Generation (how well marketing provides the types, quality, and quantity of leads that sales needs)
When you take just 7 minutes to complete the survey, you’ll get immediate insight into some of the questions you can be asking your teams now about their level of collaboration. The information from the full set of compiled data will be valuable for everyone.
We’ll compile all the results in late February, and we’ll send you the full report when it’s complete in mid-March. All responses are anonymous—so your individual responses will not be shared with anyone.
Need a little more motivation?
We’ll send the first 50 folks that complete the survey a $10 Amazon gift card just to sweeten the deal.
Ok all you marketing, sales, and sales enablement folks out there—let’s hear how you’re doing in sales enablement! Help us help you to improve your sales enablement efforts! Good hunting.